Monday, April 18, 2011

maybe crap

oh well...i just feel that I need to share something...grrr

six factors of INTERLANGUAGE...those who do not feel like they want to know this,you can just skip.heee

interlanguage is an emerging linguistic system that has been developed by a learner of a second language (or L2) who has not become fully proficient yet but is approximating the target language (okay this one I copy from the wikipedia...completely..)

well in my own words would be the situation where the learner of the language that is not proficient yet(meaning they probably know how to speak or write but still have some lacking in their competency) to match with the native-speaker of the language has developed the linguistic system

i. okay,first is the preserving of mother tongue to the second language.

ii.overgeneralizing the features of norm of the the use of past tense,the learner is having the difficulty in to differentiate between the irregular and regular words.etc:they aware that if it's past tense than at the end of the verb,'ed should be added.'ate' becomes eated.learnt becomes learned.

iii.transfer the language.lacking in applying the know the rules but it is hard for you to actually

iv.strategies of L2 how the person have the strategies to memorize
the word,how to do the correct pronounciation and so on.l

v.strategies of L2 movies or try to converse with the people of the target language..or probably you will problem to produce certain how would you fit yourself to the pronounciation of the target language.

vi.the last one would fossilization which means the interlanguage stops developing until it mathes the target language.

this one is for tomorrow...

and this friday i will be having my speaking test pulak...aku pilih tajuk "are boys better than girls in academic or vice versa..still deciding which side should I support..or probably i would stand saying both sides are better in different it for next entry ready to get boring reader..err..if there's any haha

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