Friday, April 25, 2014

Another one

I might have chosen the wrong path of career.Never thought that I could be a teacher. Yes I am a teacher now. But the thing that I love the most is getting my hands "dirty" by exploring adobe photoshop and learning the tricks to make the piece of art more artistic and meaningful. I've started since I was 17 years old.Yes it has been 8 years now and I am still in the level of beginner, I must say. Everything is self taught and I never went to any proper lesson to learn how to design. This is my part time job now. I'm currently taking orders to help my friends to design cards, logo and etc. I will share with you guys what I've done so far okay?

But things never work out if I'm using my own photo..not anymore :P

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What I did today....

I was just simply doodling the pictures and decided to make a cartoon of these people :P

Maybe I love her more than anyone else that I'd decided to make an illustration of her picture :p


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Trip to South Korea Day 3: Nami Island

Salam everyone,
Hari ke-tiga di Korea 15th April 2014. Destinasi hari ini adalah ke Nami Island @ Namiseom ,N Seoul Tower, Dongdaemun dan Cheongyocheon Stream (asek salah eja :P)

Malam sebelum tu aku tanya David what is the cheapest and fastest way to go to Nami Island.. Aku taw kalo nak cepat boleh naik ITX trus dri Cheongnyangni Station trus ke Gapyeong Station tp di sebbkan kami ni budget traveler,

aku reconfrim balik dgn David how to get there.

So dari Euljiro 3 (sam)-ga -Jongno 3(sam)-ga- Hoegi- Mangu- Gapyeong Station .4 kali tukar train. Naik bas pun boleh tp kena book siap2. Memandangkan ini cara yg paling murah (?) dan cepat (x juga actually), kami siap2 bgun pukul 5 am dan gerak dlm lebih kurang 6 am dari hostel. Perjalanan memakan masa lebih kurang 2 jam termasuk tertinggal train sebb tak paam announcement. Aku ni pandai sahaja baca hangul dan ckap sikit2, bila bab2 dgr2 ni memang out sikit..hahaha

Maaf..muka kitorg gedik sikit..boleh cepat2 scroll bawah ya.ahaha
ni sesampainya dekat Gapyeong port. pergi sini naik taxi taw dari Gapyeong Station 
Lepas tu naik ferry..dlm 5 minit sampai la ke Nami Island (saja letak gmbar Thairy..haha..dia single lgi btw)
cuba memahami map

posing2 maut siikitt

kitorg sewa basikal.dlam 5000 won untuk sejam. laju sikit explore pulau tu biar pun kecik.Anis belanja..Thank you Nis ! Saranghae 
Jumpa group dri Malaysia..haa kitorg pun amik la gmbr group sama2..Memang ramai juga Malaysian dtg ke Nami Island aritu..hehe
memang wajib la kan gmbar dgn statue ni
laju sgt la pulak Anis ni..

Joon Sang dri Malaysia..ecececeh
haa inilah rupa Gapyeong Station tu 

Pusing pulau tu berkali2 sampai puas hati..Destinasi seterusnya adalah ke N Seoul Tower!!  :D :D

Trip to South Korea Day 2 : Seoul

It was our second day in South Korea. So, apa plan arini?
Menurut itinerary yg aku prepare, arini kitorg akan cuba cover tempat2 area Jongno iaitu Gyeongbokgung Palace, King Sejong statue, Changdeokgung palace, Bukchon Hanok Village, Gwangjang Market dan last sekali pergi ke Myeongdong

Seperti hari2 yg berikutannya, sebelum keluar kami isi perut dulu.Semua hostel yg aku book ada microwave. Dan sepanjang kami berada di sana, Instant rice jugala tetap menjadi pilihan hati untuk makan dgn lauk2 tin yg kami bawa dri Malaysia.
(credit to Anis)
Station Euljiro 3 (sam)-ga. Tempat kitorg tinggal

Gyeongbokgung Palace
Destinasi kami yg pertama. Mcm mana nak ke sini? senang shaja.depends korang dari area mana then pergi ke Gyeongbokgung Palace Station (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit 5. (kalau turun sini,memang jalan straight shaja smpi jumpa signboard Gyeongbokgung palace) OR Gwanghwamun Station (Seoul Subway Line 5), Exit 2. Admission fee: Adults (ages 19-64): 3,000 won / Group (over 10): 2,400 won
Children (ages 7-18): 1,500 won / Group (over 10): 1,200 won

Masa kitorg sampai memang dorg sda start dgn perarakan x kisah pun kalau termiss sebb sehari rasanya 2-3 kali jugala dorg bwat perarakan yg sama.

Bila aku rajin siiikit edit gmbr ni
Estimated time kitorg pusing2 dlm palace tu adalah lebih kurang 2 jam (?). Besar tmptnya..memang setiap kali jalan, setiap kali jugala amik gmbr.

(gmbar2 boleh tgk kt facebook : Elfina Tajul Ariffin)

King Sejong Statue

Lepas tu ,kitorg pun pergila Ke King Sejong statue. Camna nak ke sana?
1) City Hall Station (Subway Line 1), Exit 3 or 4.
2) Gwanghwamun Station (Subway Line 5).
3) Gyeongbokgung Station (Subway Line 3), Exit 6.
Disebbkan kami ni bijak pandai, ada peta tp tak pakai. Sebenarnya x tahu pun kitorg bawa menatang tu, tp bila blur2 masuk keluar masuk keluar exit 6, dkt Gyeongbokgung Station tu, barula Thairy keluarkan map yg ada dgn dia all the time.
Tempat tu sebenarnya betul2 depan Gyeongbokgung Palace tu..Cross two streets then  jalan straight sahaja..smpaila :P
alamak gmbr dkt King Sejong Statue tu x terupload lgi.. :P

Changdeokgung Palace
Akibat x membuat research dgn lebih detail..Changdeokgung Palace ni actually tutup ari Isnin. Selang Seli rasanya dgn Gyeongbokgung Palace tu sebb yg tu tutup ari Selasa. Cmana pergi sini
Anguk Station (Subway Line 3), Exit 3.
Go straight for 5min.
Jongno 3(sam)-ga Station (Subway Line 1, 3 or 5), Exit 7.
Go straight along Donhwamun-ro Street for 10min. Tempat ni dekat dgn Bukchon Hanok Village so x sia2 sgt pun turun dkt Anguk Station tu.. heheh

Bukchon Hanok Village

Sebelum pergi Bukchon Hanok Village kena sentiasa ingat yg jalan dia ni sebenarnya agak mencabar stamina juga sebb slope (?) dia memang tinggi2.
otw ke sana from Anguk Station
Aku rajin tanya Information Centre.. so dorang akan bg map macm mana ke situ
Memang sepuluh ribu kali jugala aku ikat tali kasut aku ni

We didn't get to go to Gwangjang Market due to lack of time and semua pun sda kalo nak pergi boleh turun either 1) Jongno 5-ga Station (Subway Line 1), Exit 8.  or
2) Euljiro 4-ga Station (Subway Line 2, 5), Exit 4.

Then, the  next destination was... Myeongdong!!

Tempat yg disukai ramai especially wanita2 yg suka kan cosmetic dari korea..Serious!!.setiap bgunan rasanya ada Etude, Nature republic dan semua2 brand cosmetic Korea ada di sana. So, kalau belum decide nak beli mask berapa, lip balm berapa..bole jalan2 lagi smbil bwat keputusan.hahaha

utk peminat2 exo di luar sana :)

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