Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sahabat :)

Just to recall the moments I had when I went back to my hometown for a week. It was so nice that even a week of holiday is like a heaven to me. Put aside the the workloads and relieved stress.

So I had a reunion with my old classmates 5 Aman class of 2006 and Anis had to stay with me for four days because she bought a wrong ticket to go back to KK. hahaha
Had a girls day out with the girls. 
and picnic by the the beach (syok sendiri punya time)

12 years of friendship with similar height and strong chemistry. #Iamstilltaller #bestfriend #girlfriend #beach #tanjungaru  #picnic si Anis Lompat~Lompat la tinggi tinggi
Anis's father let us used his car so we can travel or go anywhere we want  but we didnt get to go anywhere because of time and there were times when I had to pick up my youngest brother from school.. hahaha. 

and of course le small reunion :)
#reunion #girlfriends #sembulan #5aman #class2006

Chinese New Year part 2

Salam everyone!
This entry in relation of my previous entry here

Alhamdullillah. Everything went well!! although there were hiccups here and there during practice and rehearsal but I am very very proud of my children. *claps
No words can describe how proud I am with them. There was no sign of nervousness when they performed and people actually enjoyed their performance. I hv kids who actually hv talent in entertaining people. Well Done!!! you can check the videos in my Instagram - @elfinatajul
The whole class :)
My girls 

 The Final pose of the Fan Dance

I don't really posting that much of pictures of my children to keep their privacy. These are the pictures that I think are sensible enough  to post :) :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Where to go in Seoul?

Salam everyone!

I haven't been making my blog 'visible' to everyone. So, I might do not have visitors but sokay, I might feel embarassed if people read it anywa

Today's  entry will be about places to visit in Seoul. Yes, I haven't been to Seoul before so I've been doing a lot of research about where to go and everything despite my busyness (?). We have exactly one month more or less to go to South Korea and we are actually dealing with this unknown anxiety about backpacking outside of the country for the first time.

Well, I am pretty much just go with whatever that I've planned for us, itinerary and that is just a rough idea. We might have to change a bit but who knows right?

I can't really share that much now but these are the places that I am planning to go for our 4 nights and 3 days in Seoul before heading to Jeju, then Busan.

(They are not in order, please bear with me ^^)

Day one

Is basically our journey from Kuala Lumpur - Busan- Seoul. We might be spending our time in flight and train. We're planning to ride KTX  to go to Seoul by the way. Hopefully I could book the tickets *cross finger . But that's not the end. We will have two more stops before we reach "Kimchee Myeongdong Guesthouse" which is located near Euljiro-3 ga station. So ya.

Day two

Dongdaemun market
Gyeongbukgung Palace


Day three

Nami Island
War memorial of Korea
N Seoul Tower
Hopefully we can go few places in between :)

Day four 



 Trickeye museum
Hello Kitty cafe
Hongdae playground
Mural Alley
Wandering around

 That's all folks! :) :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My new obsession!!
Gmbar dri instagram sendiri..hehe
Yes..sekarang ni aku punya obsess terhadap cherry blossom atau sakura ni makin menjadi2.Mentang2la maw terbang ke Korea en nnti (poyo abes la kononya ni) Tgk? dari sabun mandi,pencuci muka,moisturizer ngan perfume.memang semua la cherry blossom ni..
Garnier Sakura white (Cleansing foam,essence lotion,mask and moisturizer)
cr: Google
Kebetulan pula Garnier Sakura White ni memang sesuai dgn kulit aku yg sensitif ni..bau pun wangi ,lembut, pastu texture dia pun best...SPF 25 pulak tu tapi essence lotion dia aku beli masa pergi Singapore bulan December aritu.. Malaysia xda..tak taw la kenapa.. harga pun not bad..masih mampu beli kalau abes nnti. Bole beli dkt Guardian,Watson dan kedai yg sewaktu dgnnya :) :)
cr: Google 
Yg ni tak payah review sgtla..sebabnya masa aku beli sabun mandi ni pun tgh kelam kabut.. X sempat pun hidu2,test2 bagai.. tp bau dia pun memang best! wangi gila(ada ka sabun mandi yg x wangi?..haha)..harga pun not bad..beli sebulan sekali or dua kali sebulan tu xda hal la kan.

DKNY  Be Delicious (aku beli yg twin pack sekali ngan  100% pure New York)
cr: Google
 Ni aku pakai memang berjimat gila..ari ni pakai yg hijau tu..esok pakai pink pulak..Alhamdulillah masih bertahan sampai sekarang..beli masa bulan Oktober aritu..daddy yg belikan..kira hadiah birthday aku yg ke 14 ehh 24 la kiranya..hehehe..wangi dia memg lembut jak..harga lebih kurang RM 250 tuk twin pack ni..kira ok la..edp pulak tu..tahan lama sikit..hehe

So,sampai sini sjala entry aku kali ni..maw bg review elok2 x reti pula..memg selamba habis la..hehe

Saturday, February 1, 2014

South Korea! wait for us!

Salam semua!

Entry kali ni maw cerita pasal plan gy Korea bulan April nnti. Rasa mcm lama lgi kan? oh no no..dgn ke 'busy'an kerja aku yg melampau2 ni, pejam celik pejam celik sampai juga bulan April tu nnti. Tapi sebusy2 mana pun aku tetap cari juga peluang untuk bwat research, cari tips2,tiket flight ngan train  (ke seoul dan Jeju) dan yg sewaktu dgnnya.
Gyeongbokgung palace credit: google 
Masa bulan April tu nnti musim bunga..Memang itu la yg aku maw..hehe..cek2 weather masa tu, kemungkinan around 16 darjah celcius..sejuk aku macm setakat ni belum prepare apa2 pun..baju apa dan sebagainya..sweater belambak2 dlm almari..pakai sweater jak okay x? haha

Tempat tinggal pula, aku baru book tempat tinggal dekat seoul. Kimchee Myeongdong Guesthouse..bila tgk maps macam dekat dgn train maw pergi mana2..dkgn ngan Myeongdong ngan Dongdaemun.tempat tinggal dia x kisahla..yg penting boleh tidur,mandi dan owner dia pun org kata baik sgt. (kalau memang best tinggal sini nnti aku bwat review okay?)
so,plannya mungkin akan tinggal di sana selama 3 hari 3 malam then hari ke-4 pindah ke Hongdae. Memang plan maw tinggal di Hongdae sebb sana cam best jew~.. Dorang kata the place is the center of Korea's youthful nightlife.. So maw juga try feeling2 org muda di Korea en. lol..Hongdae pun mcm dekat dgn Gimpo International Airport. So senang sikit memandangkan flight ke Jeju pada hari Khamis tu pukul 7 pagi (paling murah ok?) ..

Oh ititnerary aku x siap lagi..tapi roughly nya sesampainya kitorg kt Gimhae International Airport tu, akan trus ke Gupo station untuk naik KTX ke Seoul. Kiranya seharian tu memg travel jak la.Sampai pun ptg kan,Then, trus pergi guesthouse..dri Seoul akan ke Jeju plak selama dua hari..Then last two days akan stay ke Busan smpai la balik Malaysia.

Aku memg bajet maw share itinerary tapi sebab aku pun x abes2 lg bwat research bagai lambat sikitla..hehehe..

P/S:Kalo ada sapa2 yg terbaca entry ni dan pernah pergi Jeju..boleh bg cdgn x samada better sewa kereta or just naik bus?taxi cam mahal sgt pla..huhuh

New header!

Salam korang!
bajet2 macm ada readers gitu..hehe

I changed my header...again!!! kali ni macam girly2 taw..haha..biarpun sebenarnya jiwa ni xda la kegirly'an sgt tapi suka dgn warna2 ceria..haha..teknik mengedit berphotoshop bagai ni masih perlu diasah lagi biarpun sebenarnya suda 9 tahun self-study adobe ni..

Graphic design ni memang sy minat..sgt2..ikutkan hati memg maw jd graphic designer tpi apa kan daya..rezeki jadi cikgu pula..hehe..

Ni some of my work yg tersgt2 la amatur

I hv more but I forgot where I saved them :p

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