Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is it worth it?

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

This is probably my second entry of the day. See? Once you've started, you'll never stop. haha...
Anyhoo, my entry today will be about...emmm..well,I'm planning to go to South Korea end of this year. My parents seems to be like 50/50 if I will be going  there alone. Maybe I'm going to drag my younger sister to join me. But the thing it worth visiting South Korea in Winter?. In Malaysia, of course we dont have four seasons in a year.This probably  might be a good thing for us to go. But they said your expenses will be doubled compare if you visit during other season since you have to buy thick clothes (jacket,muffler and all those stuff to keep you warm). So I am still thinking.

There are so many places I really2 want to go..Should I wait until the next season? Spring perhaps? I've always like Spring but my next Semester break is on April..Wait!! Its already Spring if its on April...Should I wait a little longer?or should I just go end of this year? haaaa.. I could not decide!!!
Fenfeeling 'That winter,the wind blows"


arghhhh 도와주세요!!!


Assalamualaikum w.b.t and happy monday everyone!!!

How's your weekend guys?(asking as if there's someone reading this entry),Mine was full of blast!!(exaggerate much?).Anyhoo,yesterday (25th march 2012) me and my friends went to play paintball at Summit was very thrilling  yet fun at the same time.

We were divided into two teams.Team 1 and team 2.I was in team 2 with my boyfriend and the rest of my mates.Of course,we had to come in 'package'.It would be weird if we were in different team.Ah,it doesnt matter anyway.He promised to look after me but as soon as we started the game he left me and guess what?he was the first one who got shot.PADAN MUKA!!!!...wahahah.

I have two blogs,facebook,twitter,path em what else?youtube account?i guess I'm crazy or just too bored with my life now.I'm counting the days to go for practicum which is probably will be end of April.


Assalamualaikum semua!!
Hampir dua tahun sy x jenguk2 blog ni..berhabuk suda...kesian..oh well,the main reason sebab aku update blog ni untuk bgtaw update aku selama dua tahun menghilang diri..Oh well,for those yg follow facebook,twitter ngan instagram tu taw la aku bukannya hilang terus pun..hik3

Anyhoo, skrg sda tahun 2013 and tahun ni juga la aku memulakan hidup sebagai seorang cikgu.Now,Im working at Tenby Schools sebagai class teacher dekat skolah international dia. Mula2 dapat tu macam x percaya.Siap boleh tanya diri sendiri lagi.'betulka apa aku buat ni?'..Tapi,Alhamdulillah rezeki menyebelahi aku..dalam usia 24 tahun ni, aku mampu membina karier aku sendiri (ceh bajet gila)

benda yg paling mencabar sebenarnya bila aku kena berhadapan dgn macm2 gelagat students yg lebih kurang saja dgn budak2 sekolah kebangsaan. Selama 6 bulan aku bekerja tu memg macm2 hal aku kena hadapi..yala,cikgu baru lgi..Muka pun blur2 x taw apa2..haha..kelas pula bukan takat pakai 'whiteboard', 'smartboard' pun ada, Dia cam ala2 touch screen gitu,lenih kurg macm hanfon samsung note tu..Cuma byk lagi bole bwat...Sib bek la aku ni berfikiran teknologi tinggi (apa ntah aku merepek ni)

Tp sekarang,masuk Term baru,students baru...aku rasa kali ni classroom management aku jauh lebih baik. Students pun baik2,dengar kata. Alhamdulillah!.. Aku pun mengajar sekrang rilek2 ja, x mcm dulu..Kalot semcam...hahahaahah

Well, practice makes perfect!!
Dengan harapan akan jadi ciku comel sampai bila-bila

ada byk crita lgi aku maw update nnti smbung dkt entri baru yaa!! :D :D

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