*Lee Kwang soo,Kim Jongkook,Yoo Jaesuk,Song ji hyo, Song joong-ki ,Ji sukjin,Haha ngan Gary
bosan sgt la arini...serius bosannn..hmmm anyway,lets just go straight with the reason why I'm posting this huge photo..have you ever heard of RUNNING MAN?well,for those yg gila or 'taksub' korea macm sy ne mesti taw kan?
anyhoo,this show is a variety show which has been classified as an "urban action variety"; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows. The MCs and guests play games and carry out missions in the landmark, and are required to win missions.secara generalnya mcm tu la.(bajet copy paste je thu)
So far, da smpi episode yg ke 86.Show ne ditayngkan every sunday tak silap tp selalu nya sy akan tunggu 2-3 days after episod tu da keluar baru bole tgk sebab bukannya faham pun kalau xda subtitle kan? Thank you so much kshownow.net! website ne memg byk tolong org2 macm sy yg tak berapa nak faham bahasa korea..I'm still learning the language though.
What I like so much about this show is that it has so many games and activities that are definitely entertaining and creative.I don't know how the team production can come out with those ideas.I mean best gila kot!!!!
Every week,mesti ada different theme.Kalau dulu dorg kena main kejar2 which they are divided into mission team and chasing team.Whoever wins get the running ball.sekarang lebih kurg sama gak tp diorg da x pki running ball da.Dapat hadiah yg caya2 punyaaa!!!!then every week mesti ada guest..PELAKON PENYANYI semua pernah join diorg.
original cast members
Yu Jae-suk as The main host of the show / Yu-ruce Willis / Yu-mes Bond
Ji Suk-jin as The weakest man / Big Nose Older Brother
Kim Jong-kook as The strongest man / Kookie~♥^^
Ha-ha as Ha-roro / Ha-rad Pitt
Lee Kwang-su as The lonely man / Gwang-vatar
Some of my favourite episodes
ep 80 charlie's Angel.Guest:Hyomin,Im soo hyang and Go Ara.

diorg kena jadi spy and kena eliminate semua running man members except sorg yg diorg kena identify sebagai charlie.
ep 63 ngan 64.Guest:Girl's Generation yaw~!!!.
best gila episod ne..dari couple selection,couple shopping,dan macm2 lgi la..
ep 59.Hip hop special
Guest:Tiger JK,Yoon Mirae,Dynamic duo(Choiza ngan Gaeko) and Simon D
spies tgh meeting
*firefox buat hal..arghhh kena edit balik entry ne pki google chrome
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