wah it's been almost a year since the last time I updated my blog.hahaha..sorry for being hiatus for so long..cannot come up with excuses though..oh oh oh..and guys!I have change the URL!! http://elfina-e.blogspot.com. kinda lame isn't it? but I think the old URL (eatursheet.blogspot.com) doesn't fit me anymore..I mean,I am a grown up now..an adult to be precise.eatursheet is kind of like cursing someone which I am sooooo over it already!!!
well,this is me..I promise you guys that will update my blog more frequently from now on..and of course it will still in both language..Malay and English...I have to write in English once in a while you know...I'm a soon to be an English teacher anyway(and I'm still suck at it)!teeeheeeheee
oh oh oh...and ya!..I am still so into k-pop...i have no reason to lessen my addiction towards it.&&
I am going to update my layout very soon owkay...
23 and still looking young.wakakaka
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