Salam everyone!
lama tak buka blog ne kan?
agak2 macm sebulan jugala sy privatekan kerana sebab2 tertentu.sebulan tu jugala sy menahan diri dari menulis atau membaca blog siapa2 pun termasuk entries sy sendiri.And the reason I'm starting to blog again is coz I'm sooo "far" from everyone at the moment and Idk, it just seems practical to blog to keep anyone who's interested or stalking me lol
Yes this is the new layout.Lame isn't it?.I miss my old layout already..hahaha...but things need to change.Sorry,I am still into K-pop so you probably see 70% of it in this layout..sorry again.I couldn't help it.
Quick update~~~
-I am love staying at home,going out only for classes,berbuka and gym.
-I miss some of my friends.It's been a long time since I hang out with you guys.I miss you.u know who you are.
-What happen if someone gets everything that you want and literally, taking your position? hmm..i guess from there I could learn that life isn't easy.
-Gosh,I am not as busy as I used to be.I was asking more free time,and my dream came true lol lol
-I am thinking of doing the graphic designing just for fun.
-Semakin suka memasak.
-I have so many things that I want but it's okay..I can wait

[I've been waiting for you for almost four months,I don't mind waiting for another two months :) :) *hint ]
terpengaruh oleh budak2 snsd ne..hehe
or maybe if I got Dean's list again this semester.
"Thing never come easy especially when we really want it. So we have to endure and persevere not to procrastinate."This is what my daddy said.heeee~ <3
-Starting from this very moment,I am not going to wear shorts anymore.You can consider this as the first step...[though still long way to go]
dah plan betul2,nak slow2...tamaw rushing2 gitu
yes,u know what I mean.
[tak nak la macm dulu lagi.pakai buka pakai sebelum itu..buatla apa nak buat ngan rambut ne supaya takda nak rasa buka2 nanti.kang org kata hipokrit.bila tiba masanya tu jugala sy dah tak peduli org nak kata apa.biarla benda datg dari hati yg ikhlas.tapayah nak tanya org ok ke tak apa suma]
Family Outing,it could heal your pain or me
bila sedih tgk ini..
Sehari tak tgk,memg tak boleh.
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