I need to stop talking
Pleasela Elle,u used to be a verry verry INDEPENDENT woman.
nak potong rambut macm ne...tpi tabole
and start listening.
I have to start doing it now.
Guys,I'm going to let you guys talk and I won't interrupt if it's none of my business.
or maybe,just control everything that pops out in my mind right before I want or have the intention to say it.
I won't give you opinion only if you ask me to do so.
Pleasela Elle,u used to be a verry verry INDEPENDENT woman.
so just continue whatever you used to do.whatever that made you happy.
don't ever make the situation worst than it should be...
you know that you always appear to be the happy one though in deep inside,you're hurt.
someone has inspired me to write and give me the though to do so.
so thank you clever woman.you're the best.
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