El:eh nda bha.aku pigi jumpa kawan aku td.jd aku mcm ne.mls aku mau buka.aku mau pki arini aku ingat.hehe
Dena:Oh ya?.bha masuk dulu ko druma aku.aku tgh makan ne el.
El:bha jap a.sori aku bwa kereta rosak arini.gear dia keras*tiba2*(kaver malu/segan bha)
Dena:Oh bha nda pa bha(senyum lagi)
haha.no comment.saja letak. :)
*puasa mode .*
I went out to ONE BORNEO(1B) with Diyana binti ELmin today(30 july 2009) and ya, we had so much fun.
taking pictures,shopping(she was the only one who enjoyed the shopping.owkay1.not me.I was supposed to buy a cardigan but couldn't find one.JIMAT DUIT),KARAOKE,gossiping and haha,embarrassing ourselves in front of the public (oh you don't want to know what we did).but it's so annoying when people are staring at or looking at you when you do something SUPER-duoer-EXTRA-UN-ORDINARY things kan?.haha.
we didn't really hang out that much since after SPM and thank god we had the reunion the otherday(beh.mau jua mention),I managed to contact her and ya,we planned to go out today memandangkan dua2 tak buat apa2.So,i picked her up at her house around 2.00 p.m,lepak kejap kat ruma dia and off we go.Actually,it was her idea nak pegi 1B.deep down in my heart ,I was so scared to drive the car to 1B due to the problematic engine.haha.nanti cerita la k.sgt penat.enjoy the pictures ajala,aite?.penat aku guling2 amik gmbr dia.haha.then around 9.00 p.m ,we went to Jesselton Point(betolka nama dia thu) for dinner.took pictures again.agak malu tpi Dena sangap nak amik gmbr.haha
btw,the umbrella's not ours.It belongs to 'abg security' yg baik hati.ahaha.
The most 'amazing thing that happen today,i lost my phone!hooray *clap clap*syabas elfina!.we've been looking all over for it. ilang kat tempat makan kot?ilang kat parking keta kot?. ilang kat surau kot?. tak pun kena curi?. sapala nak curi hp bodo2 macm thu,charger pun tak ada.so basically,I'm phoneless now.well,not really.ya,I still have my maxis.the new number.you guys can still contact me.but strictly to my closest mates only!.the 017-814.....u guys still have it right?.laterla, i renew my celcom num thu.mau chill kejap.haha

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