Monday, June 6, 2011


baru seminggu..kalau berbulan-bulan?
mati katak kot

Thursday, June 2, 2011

BABY PO!!!!!

haa comelnya..tiada lgi binatang yg lagi comel dari ne dalam duniaaaa...
<3 <3

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


this is very frustrating knowing that my cohort nov 09 has to extend our semester just because our credit hour for next sem is 21...well the maximum should be 18 hours but we already over the limit so there would huge possibility that we might as well going for our practicum on March..which supposedly on January...


Those who are not in our shoes may not understand how VERYfrustrating it is...Yeah peaople..The word for today is frustrating...sorry for being redundant...
I am too tired of studying with these hard seems like no matter ho hard I studied,I still couldn't get A for most of my subjects.

Theatre for example,it's to say?erm we actually spent most of our energy for the play and any other assignments...3 months was never been enough for like we work very hard and we studied very hard for the xam yet still could not get A....


I feel like giving up study but I know that this situation actually leads me to work harder and struggle even more..hopefully everything will go well..Insya Allah.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

right or left brain?

tgk ballerina elok2..
korg nampk dia pusing arah jam atau sebaliknya?
sebab aku kekadang nmpk dia pusing belah kiri,kekadang nmpk dia pusing belah kanan.
grrrr....boleh tukar2..
but most of the time aku nampk...emmmm...ntahla..mcm kanan
bila aku rasa nak dia pusing kiri,aku nmpk dia pusing kiri
bila kanan haa..nmpk la dia pusing kanan...
okay sekarang rasa nk termuntah
dahla puasa,tak pasal2 kang aku pening gastrik benda kejadah semua..
yg ne tgkla..anda yg mana satu..left brain or right brain

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Monday, May 23, 2011


Asal blog aku ne cam 'ladies' gila...
vintage2 gitu..
ke taste aku da berubah?
aku da wanita ka?
*gmbr takde kena mngena..saje rasa dorang comel..hahaha
eh hello elle?
kaw da 22 tahun kot...belom wanita lgi apanya?
boleh kahwin da kot..
okay tu angan2...kerja pun belom lagi...heeee
tpi kadang2 aku rase cam sebab badan aku ne kecik,nak nmpk matang,susah..
padahal muka dah jelas2 dah tua.
budak umur 20 tahun pun dah tak pandang aku taw...
apa motif sebenarnya entry aku ne?

comel kan?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

grrr kena tukar la weh

dulu ingat lgi muka nerd then pakai spek mata bulat then pki tudung....huduh je muka...
kalau pki,mesti ada la org tanya. 'masuk islam ke?' dilahirkan sebagai muslim..takde convert2 punya...nasibla muka cina macm ne..nak bwat macm mana lgi..hohoho

masa sekolah gmbr darjah 6 kot
tgk kat tarikh tu..mknanya masa tingkatan 5..
few moths before I decided to wear contact lense...
pastu mase tukat sikit la pesyen...ikot perkembangan semasa time tu...

pastu adala setahun dua,sy jahat sebab tak pkai kelas semua tak pakai..honestly,memg kalau keluar dgn famili,,sy tak pakai tudung...I grew up with two types of surrounding(??) school,sy memg pki taknak buka..biarpun jalan ngan kwan2...lgi2 dulu sekolah agama kan.kalau dgn family,sy tak pki..memg ada jugala nak pki tpi kejap je...haih..tu dulu...

Me recentlyyyy!!!

skrg ne masih berjinak2 lagi..kalau org tanya is it permanent?
saya akan jawab:insyaAllah.skrg tgh slow2 lg.
masa akan dtg memg sy nak pki terus dan taknak buka2 da
itu janji sy terhadap diri sendiri

(dah pernah mention pun before ne hahaha)

tapi apa2 hal pun byk kot benda kena ubah
antaranya ialah:

1.dressing:lol..seluar pendek or skirt pendek tu..pakai kat ruma je la...kat luar dah taknak pki da...then bila da macm ne..apa yg menutup la kena pki...shawl gila berlambak..kalau jual boleh dpt ratus2..tpi memg taknak jual..lawa2 kot...and semestinya la nak pakai..hehe..skrg ne shawl,tudung,pashmina dah bole bwat collection da...kena beli dua hanger doh :)

2.attitude:yg ne antara paling penting sekali kena jaga..fine,sy gelak memg kuat..suara memg cakap..takyahla pki speaker..nama samaran pun 'speaker' kena control2 la

3.cara hidup?:well,still same..i don't really do much of skinship with my guy takde beza ape sgt la..hug2 tu just ngan kawan2 pompuan pun tak shisha..main kad?yes.sekadar hiburan kitorg nak lepak je..bukan selalu...

4.pesyen lilit2:ne da memg jadi kegemaran sy mencuba sesuatu yg baru..lilit macm2...tpi yg penting tak nmpk pelik dan bole diterima akal la..hehe

haa nak je jadi cantik..tapi tak cantik2 pun..nak kurus tapi tak kurus2 pun..boyfriend kuat mkn jadi sy pun tumpang sekali...hik3
p/s:haaa nak bwat tiramisu tapi fridge penuh dgn makanan..takde tempt untuk tiramisu..tape..nnti ada masa kita bwat ye...

jalan2 makan2

Assalamualaikum semua..
apa kabar?
maaf dah lama tak berblog...
kurang busy tapi takda idea nak post entry pasal apa...
maaf ya...
again,dengan annoying berkata "adaka org bace blog aku?"duh!

Mari kita cakap pasal makanan!
okay fine...skrg sy da gemuk gila2.. naik 3 kg tu gemuk la kan?
untuk org pendek macm sy..hahaha

apa2 pun sy nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada miss beautiful girlfriend for introducing me Tutti Frutti..gaga..
*dia kat kiri..yg kat kanan tu aree nama dia.kiutkan?hehe..dia single lg btw.. :P

baikla sila cakap sy jakun..sebab rasanya macm sy la org terakhir yg berumur 22 tahun tahu wujudnya tutti frutti yg best gila ne

frozen yogurt kot..tak nak ckp byk..tgk je da taw dia sedap kan?
lepas tu ajak boyfie ngan my mum and adik sekali makn bnda ne..haaaa

kejap lgi smbung owkay browser bwat hal

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh god please!!

I mean please stop this kind of statement to me:
"eh eh pki tudung dah ke? fesyen ke ape ne?"
maybe sometimes you would see me free hair,
i admit that.Like I said I am still learning and nurturing myself.
and it's not about fashion
Do I look like I am so into the current fashion?
only if I have the money,I do!
but sadly I don't
i only wear shirt underneath my cardigan plus my lame looking jeans everyday.(it's been 3 or 4 months I haven't buy a new one and only recycle what I have)
do i look like a fashionista to you?
looking lame rite?
not so pretty right?
but who cares?

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Result: Lily Aldrin
You are morally inclined and dislike people who are not true to themselves. You are very impulsive. You are often curious about trying new things. You finds it easy to sustain platonic friendships with everyone around you.
(I don't need to make the font bigger right?naah..nevermind)

anyhoo,I've been watching this series since erm a month ago?..well ya,thanx to Mr Boyfie for introducing HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER to me.he insisted me to watch.blame him
yeah,well,this story is actually quite every single thing tha happen,is actually happen around us.for example,lily and Marshal.I do find my similarities with them.As in their relationship,.10 years being in love and,eventually get married(except that mine hasn't been that long yet..)
Lily's characteristic really remind me of myself.
#she's small yet very loud
#A kindergarden teacher who loves art,painting
(I am soon-to-be a teacher yet I love arts so much)
#she looks so small around Marshall
(I think she's normal.its just that because Marshall is too tall for her)
#never tell her secrets because she just might blew it in any second especially with Marshall.
#despite those traits she is a very caring person and will much of the time do thankless acts for the good of her friends (I'm not sure whther I do much for my friends..but they know I love them..hehe)
but she's better than me in giving advice and care about her friends.

Love you guys.

gaaaaa!!!!!!!!.nak ne nak ituuuuu

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
saya bosan!!!
dalam fikiran sy skrang..nak SHOPPINGGGG!!!!
Beli ne
dan ne
dan neeee
eh jap..yg ne sy sda ada..
sy skang window online shopping je...
haih nak duitlaaa...bila ptptn sy dpt neh??ceh bajet ptptn tu dpt byk macm org dpt Mara la?

Okay kembali ke alam nyata...duit takda laaa..

boyfie is away for two days...already missing you
dua hari ja 2 hari stgh..jap dia balik cam 3 ari la kot
so untuk 2 hari stgh ne sy pun berazam maw diet.. makn druma la
suda beli Kelloggs apa semua..jadi tamaw keluar...

K-pop?Jangan trip suda...

takpela....aku rasa cam nak berbahasa melayu...
bila geli,marah,geram lebih selesa taip dlm bahasa melayu..biarpun ekceli ayat aku tunggang langgang

okay,aku mengaku aku memg minat gila babi ngan K-POP ne..mungkin ade la sikit2 fashion diorg aku terikut kan...tpi kalau skirt pendek seluar pendek bagai tu..aku dah lepas da era tu...aku mengaku aku dulu lebih kurang cam tu.

okay tu dulu...

pastu sekarang aku tgk pulak ada satu kumpulan ne yg nak jadi konon2 ala2 korea...muka macm korea pun takda..bdan pun montel2...macm org ulu2 pulak aku tgk...

Bagi aku,honestly it's okay kalau kita ikot sikit muzik dorg sebab muzik K-pop memg best...dari melodi,lyric (biarpun aku kena baca translation dia)...muzik dorg memg best...dari trot smpi hip hop..ballad,rnb semua bg aku best nak layan tp kalau fesyen yg pki skirt cheerleader pendek smpi nmpak spender tu memg x elok,rasa cam nak termuntah pun ada...apa la nak jadi dgn dorg ne?agak2 la wey...malu aku..sumpah malu...aku lagi rela tgk org korea dtg sini perform dari org kita sendiri pki pakaian camtu..atleast dorg taw jugak tutup2 segala...hormat juga negara kita macam mana...haih...apala nak jadi neh

Monday, April 18, 2011

maybe crap

oh well...i just feel that I need to share something...grrr

six factors of INTERLANGUAGE...those who do not feel like they want to know this,you can just skip.heee

interlanguage is an emerging linguistic system that has been developed by a learner of a second language (or L2) who has not become fully proficient yet but is approximating the target language (okay this one I copy from the wikipedia...completely..)

well in my own words would be the situation where the learner of the language that is not proficient yet(meaning they probably know how to speak or write but still have some lacking in their competency) to match with the native-speaker of the language has developed the linguistic system

i. okay,first is the preserving of mother tongue to the second language.

ii.overgeneralizing the features of norm of the the use of past tense,the learner is having the difficulty in to differentiate between the irregular and regular words.etc:they aware that if it's past tense than at the end of the verb,'ed should be added.'ate' becomes eated.learnt becomes learned.

iii.transfer the language.lacking in applying the know the rules but it is hard for you to actually

iv.strategies of L2 how the person have the strategies to memorize
the word,how to do the correct pronounciation and so on.l

v.strategies of L2 movies or try to converse with the people of the target language..or probably you will problem to produce certain how would you fit yourself to the pronounciation of the target language.

vi.the last one would fossilization which means the interlanguage stops developing until it mathes the target language.

this one is for tomorrow...

and this friday i will be having my speaking test pulak...aku pilih tajuk "are boys better than girls in academic or vice versa..still deciding which side should I support..or probably i would stand saying both sides are better in different it for next entry ready to get boring reader..err..if there's any haha

oh ya snap!

I am no longer a genius of
Adobe Photoshop

rasanya tak terlambat sgt kalau aku nak share sikit pasal teater yg aku bwat 3 bulan lepas..haaa..
rindu gile kot!huhuh

ya I designed all these for our play..
If only..
I was the villian of the story
our play got highly praised by most of the audience..
we went through thick and thin together as a team
with a very small number of crew we still managed to give our best shot for the play.

Me as suzy (evil look right?)
mekap sendiri taw.

nnti smbung...ada urusan

Here i am :)

I am feeling that now I am no longer should be called a blogger since I barely could update anything here..gaaaaahhhh
and my writing getting am I going to be an english teacher like this?practice elle..practice...huhuhuhu

so I am still improving myself.I know that practicum is more or less,9 months from now and I zam very anxious about it.Probably because it is something that is a very serious thing to do in life.I am 22 and by 23 I already finish my bachelor and find a job and think about continue master and whatever not...this is boring right?talking about the future as if you want to know about I think we should stop here...

anyhoo...lately I have been trying to make myself busy by exercising,onlining,attend classes(with zero absence)..what else...erm lepaking,movies with my friends...duh just a normal thing people would do everyday when you are still studying and appreciating as well as enjoying your life as an university student..OH MY GOD!I'll be graduating soon..(kecoh lebih)..setahun lagi kot..hahaha...Okay,sekarang rasa dah tua...

well,last saturday on 16th April and fellow friends and my boyfie joined this marathon thingy which has been organized by the energizer(??)..not sure though...

which apparently,we were illegally participating this event and you can easily tell by our shirt.I was so anxious about I kept thinking what if,we got caught?wouldn't it be embarassing? usual..I always have this negative thought about small things.well,for those who paid to join got the jersey and goodies.lucky them huh..I heard that the jersey cost more than what they have paid for the race...and the goodies free tampons(??),head lamp and others thing which I don't really concern.haha

we went there just to run and have fun..ya it was really2 fun..with few days of training (not really...).me and elly decided to only run (run?u'h...walked for an hour to reach the finish line) for 5.5km,while the boys mutually agreed that they complete the 11km challenge which they ended up finished the run for 5.5km except for this one person...Apis...betrayed much?hahahaha..

it was fun though....
berbaris semata2 nak pegi tandas...before the race

Monday, April 11, 2011


Ello eberiwan...beh ada meh org baca blog aku ne?
okay,first of all aku nak cakp...aku rindu gila nak berblog..
secondly,aku nak cakap...sem ne aku tak busy so arap2 aku ada masa nak update blog aku ne...

ne semua sebab aku dok tgk2 dan baca2 blog org dan berjaya mengoda aku untuk mengaktifkan diri aku di blog aku ne semula...kalo nak diimbas kembali,sebenarnya blog ne tempt aku luah perasaan sedih aku,gembira aku,marah aku,jatuh dan bangun sebab hidup aku sebelum ne busy dan aku ada 'tempat' untuk meluah..aku lupa yg aku ada blog sebenarnya..

byk benda yg ingin diupdate.Mula2 sekali aku nak cakap pasal layout blog aku...jangan risau aku akan cantikkan lagi macam yg aku pernah bwat dulu..rindu gak nak design2 segala....Oh,dan jangan risau semua org..aku masih lagi into K-POP.aku taw aku da 22 tahun tpiaku takleh resistla minat aku ne..maaf ye...aku try letak lagu english kat blog aku ne..nanti..keh3..

oh by the way,aku da mula nak tutup kepala aku.agak kasar other words,aku berjinak2 untuk memakai tudung,shawl,hijab (biarpun tak pernah cuba,tapi akan cuba) secara perlahan2..aku mulakan dgn ke kolej dulu..aku tak nak jadi macm dulu..da pki,buka balik..tu aku ambil keputusan utk mula perlahan2...mungkin kat luar korg nampk aku still lagi macm dulu (if terserempakla)...aku ingin mencuba perlahan2..takut bila drastik,aku jadi kejutan budaya...da pki satu hari tu,pki je terus takyah buka2 dalam keta da...

seriously,aku dah lama nak pki cuma sebab aku fikir byk bnda sgt2..apa org fikir,aku akan menyesal ke tak..bila fikir balik,benda baik kan...bukannya tak elok pun pki tudung kan...bwat apa la ada perasaan macm tu?.
thank you kepada teman baik dan juga kekasih hati saya kerana menyokong dan at the same time he made me realized that never ever think of what others might say about you.aku pun bakal jadi cikgu kan...haaaa....dan aku bukan pki utk fesyen okay...utk kebaikan aku sendiri..imej aku sebagai seorang muslimah...sebagai wanita (biarpun kadang2 aku rasa aku belum layak digelar wanita...geezz..grow up elfina ) (insyaAllah)...dan paling penting aku taknak jadi mcm sesetgh org tu..dok tunjuk2..macm ne macm tu...arini kat kelas i macm ne...esok i nak bwat lilit kuda pula...huhuhu...aku taknak malu kan diri aku sendiri dan diperkatakan org lain..

dan oh oh aku taw aku kasar apa segala dan susah nak ubah bab tu tpi kalau korg syg aku..korg terima aku seadanya...yg buruk aku perbaiki,yg baik aku cube kekalkan dan improve ya...

maaf lepas ne aku akan update entry aku guna bahasa english okay?

maaf saya jatuh cinta dgn dia heee

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