I need to get rid of this feeling..
elle,apa ko nak malu sgt.peg cari kerja je pon.
btw,ne first time sy stay kat shah alam utk cuti 5 minggu.5 minggu beb.
so,plan memg nak cari kerja.
jalan2 kat giant tpi byk yg nak cari full time
kat McD ada part time
should I try?.Yes,you should.
pegi tanya sorg2 pun takpe kot.
berani la siket elle.
The fact is that I could not be apart from my boyfriend.
manja sgt?
syg sgt kot.
even if it's only going to take me.... like what?
5 hours from the moment I wake up
and not seeing him,waiting him for his lunch break and I would eagerly ask him to go out for lunch
and then waiting again for him to finish his work
let him has some rest and meeting up for dinner again.
though only for one hour everyday.
He is also alone (most of the time)
Imagine 2 weeks from now,he will finish his internship and probably going back home
and I'll be alone here again.
pathetic!.I know..pathetic much
Maybe because I don't really have anyone here.
It's semester break owkaaay!!
no one would want to stay here!!!
the boyfriend is one of the reason
I want to find a part-time jobla cenggini
my car is another reason
my rent also, because it's rm300 per month
the gym (I should go often(!!)) which is rm139 per month
and plus,
probably my convocation would be on December,and the whole family will come.
so because of all of these,I stay here.
I do have things to do if I am going back to kk
but thinking of the flight ticket which will cost me (ok.my parents) almost rm500++
I would rather stay here and find something to do which I have not started yet
haaaa cupcakesssssss...If only I have the talent....