I am TOTALLY 100% POSITIVELY sure that I am in the syndrome of missing:
my family,my home(the weird house of mine),my room, my car and everything that I own in Sabah.I miss them.

.My girls...
Anis Audina(aku rindu kaw,pendek!),'Izzatul Nadiah(almost like a soul sister to me), Siti Sarah(kaw balik awal sgt knapa???), Nurul Yazmin (biarpun aku jumpa kaw almost tiap minggu) and Siti Nursyahira Nabila (jumpa selalu pun boleh rindu okay!hahaha)
the most important is,I miss how we used to do things together.where we had the girl's day out or girls' nite out.we shared almost everything.we might have this up side down in our friendship.No drama.no point la kan?..or maybe it was just me?..hahaha...and I'm glad that I met you girls.I learn how to appreciate people who truly care about me rather than those who didn't.I also learn that having a great friends is much more important than having a guy,I mean having a damn fucking stupid guy in your life. I learned that the hard way.YOU CAN TOSS A BOYFRIEND JUST LIKE A BALL.you know what I'm saying?.thanks for always be there for me too.anyhoo,I love all of you.
.My life as a college student
Perhaps I might be lucky once again.being a college student.having lots of assignment,lectures and attend classes are fun.hahahaha...i might regret what I said.well,I know I sound pathetic or maybe silly for some of you.but seriously,staying at home doing nothing is way pathetic,you know.
.Mid Valley,Bukit Bintang,One Utama and Ikea
Idk why *sigh*.I just wish that I could go there now.though with no money,it's okay jugala.haha
.Buy new things
Obviously because I have no money now.If only I have the kaching2 in my hand,the first thing I would buy is a cardigan or blazer ,or maybe colourful top,or maybe a skinny jeans,erm...booties maybe,sneakers,or haa yaa, a sling bag(the one that I saw at FOREVER 21)..so cool.daddy please come here so that we can buy all of these.hahaha...kuang asammm ko el.

*erm color tak menarik la pulak*
Karaoke jamban pun tak kisah sebb da sangap gila.terima kasih youtube kerana merealisasikan impian saya.PEACE!.
if ada lagi I tambah okay,buat masa ne..ini je yg terlintas d kepala otak
oh ohhhhh...im in love with these wolvesss