FUNNY..he's such bad dancer..hahahaaha..this is supposed to be a joke..I guess..hahahah
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
hahaha..joe jonas dances to SINGLE LADIES..
FUNNY..he's such bad dancer..hahahaaha..this is supposed to be a joke..I guess..hahahah
Monday, September 28, 2009
sayang! ini anak kita
Thursday, September 24, 2009
so,macm everything dia bayarkan
plus bnyak lagu!!!!
sound system power!
paling best sudaaaa!!.
ada juga org lalu lalang menengok kami jerit2 tapi sapa kisah?..
saya amik lagu rock saja semua...wah macm rasa jadi artis..
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
buka tahi lalat dan ,
then pastu pegi kedai sebelah untuk buka tahi lalat.
mulanya untuk ika saja..tpi disebbkan tahi lalat yg berterabur di muka saya
ada 13 besar2 semuanya,
maka saya pun tumpang sekaki
sakit dan perit tau kena cucuk2....
muka da bengkak2
tapi dan apa???
haaaa ini "dan" nya!

em webcam tak jelas..
tpi ya!
saya highlight rambut!
oh dan yg ini
afiq :)
lama2 sure kurus..kami sgt mensupport dia untuk menjurumuskan diri ke dlam bidang ini.hhaha.ok.joke2
mami ta suka
yg ini juga
hmmm: actually,I want to change this layout but I think i will stick to it until i have the idea on how to make it more interesting.Designing my own layout,of course...well,as u might know..this layout (not include the pics n vid that I took) is my almost 90% hard work....the design,the background,the codes...maybe i'm going to "steal' the idea of "angus,thongs and perfect snogging" because I've done it before for multimedia project.heheheh
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Salam EID everyone!!

setelah sebulan kita berpuasa akhirnya hari yg ditunggu2 oleh semua UMAT ISLAM pun tiba
Masih tak terlambat lg utk saya mengucapkan
semestinya saya beraya di Sabah!! oh[ tanah airku]!! dan baju raya thu mami tempahkan sendiri tanpa saya.first day raya bru nmpk baju kurung thu dan terus saja disarungkan ke badan..wah!.lawa juga :P
mau tengok gmbr raya?erm bg nampk sikit la ya?.selebihnya jenguk aja FACEBOOK saya :D
ari pertama,
ari kedua,
P/s(tak gempak pun): Status raya kali ini adalah plak.3 tahun berturut2 lain cerita...oh ya!.masih berkawan baik dengan ex pertama dan rupanya byk benda bru diketahui baru2 ini.yg menerujakan dan mengejutkan juga.of coz!.hik3 :P :P
oh,today(raya ketiga) me and my cousins went karaoke at DD hotel since boy (cousin) is working there.we sang more than hundred songs and took lots of pictures but I SAVE it for the next entry aite!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
u don't wanna read this.
3 days of being alone.Since SUNDAY until today, TUESDAY nothing much to do.My life starts after around 2 p.m,after shcool apparently.
lock myself in my room(but not at this moment I updating my blog,bilik jadi panas~),watching movies,
listening to the music sleep until 8.00 p.m (which means,I didn't had my berbuka.well since I'm not berpuasa pun.haha.) and onlining.
life!!.hahaha.u tell me,aite?
sounds kinda boring yet it helps me to lose my grip which I define myself as the things that keep on bothering me this few months... .hahaha. okay bye,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Mr Nalbach.
The location:fountain at pavilion,pavilion,bukit bintang,sungai wang,kedai mamak tepi bb thu and mana ntah Melvin bawak,sekali tgk tak halal sib bek tak masuk.hehe
meet Melvin Nalbach from Amsterdam
First time jumpa masa ikot SHE bwat shooting aritu.Naen bawak dia sekali.So,macam mula2 nmpak memg terpegun sebb dia sgt2 tinggi and err..ha yela,ada ciri2 lelaki idaman.tang rambut dia,cam kenal2 dgn dia.adala bersms apa suma.then,sama2 plan nak we decided to go out on Saturday since masa thu pun tada bwat apa2.patutnya nak bwak member2 sekali,tpi suma ada hal masing2 juga so pegi sendiri.dia pun pegi sendiri.naen bz.sanggup naik bas thu.first time katanya,sebb nak jumpa saya.hehe.saya pulak naik train.
Then, around 5 we met at fountain in front of Pavilion.Masuk dalam kejap.pusing2.then tgk movie.kuar2 je da buka puasa.Dia bawak pegi satu tmpt ne (aik?sapa tourist skrag?).tpi gerai tu macm tak halal so saya bawak dia gy makan kedai mamak dekat SUNGAI WANG tu.dia order teh ais and nasi lemak ayam.saya pun sama.then,lepak2 n mengumpat2 sambil makan.baguskan?.hahaha.
pasthu bawk dia pusing2 Sungai Wang and Bukit Bintang...aish!!.suma pompuan tgk dia!mak2 pondan pun.hahaa.perasan la thu!.cis!.bawak dia gy kedai2 graphic tees.lawa2 tpi sebb dua2 tada duit.telan liur saja.hahaha.balik gy pavi lagi,lepak kat starubucks(tadi kata tada duit?).kitorang share la.hehe.then around 10,balik la kami.
sumpah masa hug dia rasa macm tgh hug teddy bear besar tpi versi kurus siket.ehehehe.
cerita macm pendek je kan?.ekceli boleh jadi pjg.tpi sebb sgt penat skrg ne.nnti smbung k?
he's single btw.haha
kitorg dua org je kat dlm.pastu ada 2-3 couple je.hahaha.berlari2 amik gmbr
Why I didn't post this?
- sometimes yes,sometimes I tend to keep it to myself....
2.When you love, do you give your all?
- I used to but not anymore ok
3.Given the chance to be in front of your most recent ex, what would you say?
- tumbuk muka dia!.haha.joke2.bwat bodo jak,macm nda kenal dia.
4.What's the one thing that you learned from those failed relationships?
- don't ever love someone with all your heart,cause they might hurt u one day,it's just the matter of when
5.What is the most important thing in a relationship?
-trust,love and care
6.Is it normal to become jealous of someone?
- yep
7.When you come across your ex with his/her gf/bf what would you do?
-bwat bodo la.lantakla kaw nak bwat apa pun.mals nak amik tahu.
8.Does looks matter when choosing a bf/gf?
- a bit.for me,as long as he knows how to take care of his appereance,then it's ok.
9.What is a must in a gf/bf?
- accept you for who you are and loves you.
10.What if a friend tells you that he/she loves your bf/gf? What are you going to do?
- well,let me see.*gelak guling2*
11.What if you fell in love with a person that had a baby in the past? Would you still love that person?
- heart tells me
12.With all the heartaches, sacrifices and pain of loving, is it all worth it?
- nope.i regret tht i suffered so much pain and sacrificed so many thing for him but he ended up choose someone over me.
13.Does love hurts you?
- yes.but it helps me a lot.
14.Would you ever kill yourself for love?
- no. :)
15.Last person to make you sad?
- someone who i call buddy
16.Last person to make you cry?
- erm,can't remember the last time I cried.a month ago..
- y do you care so much?.
18.What time are you going to sleep?
- well,maybe 12 ++ hours from now
- single pringle baby!
20.Have you ever wish you could just disappear to save yourself from pain?
- yup.but everytime I try to run away from it.The pain is just killing at the end,I have to face it.
21.Is the person you’re loving worth fighting for?
- i hope day,if I find a person whom i really2 love.
22.Why do you say so?
-because i want it.
23.Favorite cake?
- ice cream cake.
24.Weirdest thing you've done lately?
- let me keep it for myself alrite?
25.Are you ok?
- now?yea
26.Are you hurting inside?
- still.yes
27.Are you contented?
- mungkinnn
28.Do you tell your siblings everything?
- like.hell no?
29.What if the person you love, loves somebody else? What would you do?
-i have to say,just let it be even though it hurts so bad :(
30.Do you consider yourself a martyr?
- apa tu?
31.Do you miss the way things used to be?
- not really.i like my lofe now
32.Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?
-like ya? even one of them is my housemate.
waa yg ne pttnya da post lama ,tpi asyik masuk draft
(aya kaki hang nmpk la!)
haha.biasa je pun.tpi tulah rasanya macm dah lama x update kan blog ne (seminggu thu kira lama laaaa).haha.ekceli,sejak balik dari Sabah aritu,jadual x berhenti2.ada je 'tawaran' ke sana ke mari.dan mestila saya suka!!.sebaabb...
Dpt buka puasa ngan kawan2 yg disayangi (hampir hari2),
saya dan teman semengumpat saya,Sarah berkesempatan untuk temankan She pegi shooting untuk project music video grup naz [SELIPAR HANYUT PRODUCTION] ( pada mulanya memg nak teman last2 dpt juga memberi bantuan jadi "crowd" and secara x langsung,berkenalan dengan crew2 yg sporting lagi comel belaka),
jumpa mereka2 yg dirindui (naen and ajiem).
berkenalan dgn kawan baru yg comel dan sgt tinggi.Melvin Nalbach nama dia. :)
haa,puasa2 cenggini,byk benda nak buat best buat rasa berat hati kalau nak tinggalkan diorg semua kat sini.huhu.
sedikit picca,selebihnya,jenguk2la myspace saya atau facebook ye...hehe
(kalau rajin,saya tambh untuk tatapan anda2 sekalian)
nama dia siti sarah shakira ke syakira.tak pasti.adik SHE
saya jd kakak sementara dia masa SHE sibuk jugak borak dgn dia ne.tiba2 rindu adik sendiri.
aya,the mak tiri.
best dowh lompat2,rempit kat tepi jalan siap amik video lagi.(haih tak pernah nmpk pompuan comel amik gmbr ke?)
berbuka kat tepi tasik Shah Alam
10 september 09
mula2 nak buka kat restoran mana ntah tu.tpi mahal bufet dia,so kitorg beli makanan kat bazaar and buka kt tepi tasik la!!
ada masalah opera ne.kang saya edit balik post ini ya!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
meaningless entry
So,this is my life.
And I want you to know that I am both
I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.