Monday, June 29, 2009
The song...
Taken from GHOST SEASON 2 EPISODE 3.I couldn't find any information about this song,and I'm not really sure if the title itself is the right one. "angel eyes"(i think).Please if anyone knows anything about this song.the singer or anything,tell me...huhu.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
ok.this is stupid
Who are you?
Oh I know you.
I only imagine
I dreamed a dream
I am totally in "LOVE" with you
the art, the beat and everything about you
you amazed me. (Seriously.)
I serve my ear to the beautiful lullaby.
This melody takes me to the space of my own imagination
it's beautiful but harsh
floating, flying
Damn! It’s beautiful
every time I whisper your name
I see your face
I get kind of crazy in my head
I don't know what to do
my heart is like popping out every time I ‘see’ you
even though the worst part is,
you don't even know me
or perhaps you don't even know that I exist
I’m just a little girl who has a huge crush on you like other girls too
and so, I'll shelter it in my heart for
Oh I know you.
I only imagine
I dreamed a dream
I am totally in "LOVE" with you
the art, the beat and everything about you
you amazed me. (Seriously.)
I serve my ear to the beautiful lullaby.
This melody takes me to the space of my own imagination
it's beautiful but harsh
floating, flying
Damn! It’s beautiful
I see your face
I get kind of crazy in my head
I don't know what to do
my heart is like popping out every time I ‘see’ you
Why did it happen?
I do not know
do I regret it?
No I don't
I do not know
do I regret it?
No I don't
even though the worst part is,
you don't even know me
or perhaps you don't even know that I exist
I’m just a little girl who has a huge crush on you like other girls too
and so, I'll shelter it in my heart for
the end.
trima kasih MAYBELLINE
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Reunion. :)
Location:McD API2,Centre Point,Warisan Square,Waterfront and Tanjung Aru Beach
Time:11.30 until 9.30 mungkin
Organizer:Anis,Elfina and Cici
Gambar:Pigi facebook ada thu byk suda diupload.haha
Member2 yg berjaya menghadirkan diri:
♥ Elfina,♥ Cici,♥ Anis,♥ Hazel,♥ Fitri,♥ Ivan,♥ Ziera,♥ Eja,♥ Eka,♥ Fano,
♥ Zeya,♥ Apis,♥ Zai,♥ Mas♥ JoeDave,♥ Fifi,♥ Hanizam,♥ Dena,
♥ Naz♥ ,Fadil,♥ Stephen,♥ Zamry,♥ Ahmad,♥ Alya,
Time:11.30 until 9.30 mungkin
Organizer:Anis,Elfina and Cici
Gambar:Pigi facebook ada thu byk suda diupload.haha
Member2 yg berjaya menghadirkan diri:
♥ Elfina,♥ Cici,♥ Anis,♥ Hazel,♥ Fitri,♥ Ivan,♥ Ziera,♥ Eja,♥ Eka,♥ Fano,
♥ Zeya,♥ Apis,♥ Zai,♥ Mas♥ JoeDave,♥ Fifi,♥ Hanizam,♥ Dena,
♥ Naz♥ ,Fadil,♥ Stephen,♥ Zamry,♥ Ahmad,♥ Alya,
First of all,thanks to all of you sebb dtg menghadirkan diri ke reunion ne.Kami pilih ari Rabu sbb macm ramai juga yg dpt pigi.lagipun ada yg mau terbang suda kan pgi smbung belajar dlm minggu ne.Sori yg nda dpt dtg.Mcm si Mas,tengkiu juga dtg biarpun ko lambt.hehehe.Anyho,we were really enjoyed the moment kan?.best gila dpt jumpa kamu semua lagi biarpun ada separuh lagi x dpt dtg atas sebb2:
-tidak dapt dihubungi(Si jerry.netau pgi mana suda ne org)
-lambat dikestau(Leander,Daniel.sori bha kamurang.try dikol suda.huhu)
-ada komitment lain (kerja sama belajar)(Thairy,Yap Pik Si,Sharon,Ann)
Tengs sbb ramai juga kamu yg datang awal.sori la.aku,Dena,Hazel sama si Cici pigi singgah skola dulu kejap mau amik Slip PMR sama jumpa cigu dulu.hehehe.Memg aku terkejut jugak la tinguk kamu ramai suda di McD.haha.ingat kali kalo set kul 11 30,mesti ada lmbt2.
tpi mimg la ada juga yg lambat tpi nda pa.syok juga menunggu.hahaha.ketua organiser kami lmbat atas urusan kerja.kesian dia,tpi ndapa sib bek juga ada aku sama si cici ne.hehehe.dengan baik hatinya aku letak juga gmbr2 ne a.
Click to enlarge the photos.(more kat facebook owkayy! :) )
Di Centre Point:
Tibala kemuncak kegembiraan yg ku nnti2kan.smpi jak di CP,tiba2 ne masa otw mau pigi lif si Stephen muncul.haha.masuk2 lif mau pigi palm square,trus bha cam urg jakun aku,amik2 gmbr.bergmbr di tangga la suma.then pigi tingkat 8 maw karaoke.nda pula aku tau sana ada karaoke besar.yg bulih duduk2.maju oo kan.haha.kami pun patak2 la,5 ringgit satu org sbb maw masuk bilik vip(mimg kena la mungkin sbb kami ramai .haha).tpi buruk ne.satu jam seja.uhuuuu.apa2 pun masa karaoke2 thu,tiba2 dtg si Fadil,Zamry sama si Apis.Si Ivan pun dtg balik sebb kelas piano dia kena kensel.haha.punya excited aku nmpak suma org.smpi nda berselipar2 bha dlam thu.

gmbr lain tgk saja di facebook a.
U guys still are the same person I knew 4-5 years ago :)
P/s:Raya nnti kita jumpa lagi k.Insya Allah.Jan lupa menjemput nnti :D
gmbr lain tgk saja di facebook a.
kepada semua ex-clazmates 5 aman '06 ku ini,disini ingin aku meminta kesempatan jika ada silap salah sepanjang perkenalan kita selama hampir 4 yaka?.dari form 4 bha kan.kenangan sama kamu suma mimg paling susa mau dilupakan.nda mua lupa pun.kelas kita la yg paling nakal dalam sejarah Maktab Sabah untuk kelas 4-5 aman.bilang cigu sapa thu.lupa.astaga aku ne.hahaha.punya byk memori,kerja2 nakal pernah kita buat.kerja baik.apa2 la suma.yang aku ingatla:
-masa cikgu Rainul mau masuk kelas,kita pigi tutup thu pintu n suma pra2 tido.(punyala nakal kita ne).tpi tidak juga dia marah.dia suru suma turun pigi cuci muka.haha
-masa yg peristiwa ac disini thu.hahaa.thula sepa suruh escape hari koperasi di dewan.ramai2 lagi thu.nah kenapatan oleh cikgu Kipli.trus suma kena suru buat kerja amal
-time rehat,suma duduk satu meja.makan sama2.sharing is caring
-sepa la yg kena suru baca sajak tpi nda mau thu smpi marah thu kerol thu kan?
-kamurang la thu yg kasi menangis cigu praktikal fizik thu.huhu.aku nda.hahaha
-masa yg peristiwa ac disini thu.hahaa.thula sepa suruh escape hari koperasi di dewan.ramai2 lagi thu.nah kenapatan oleh cikgu Kipli.trus suma kena suru buat kerja amal
-time rehat,suma duduk satu meja.makan sama2.sharing is caring
-sepa la yg kena suru baca sajak tpi nda mau thu smpi marah thu kerol thu kan?
-kamurang la thu yg kasi menangis cigu praktikal fizik thu.huhu.aku nda.hahaha
-dapat surat amaran dari cigu lily
-ada yg men gitar tyme cikgu english thu maw mengajar.nah kena amik gitar.haha
-buat party kelas antara yg tergempak,kalo ada ari guru pun.(haha perasan!)
-ada yg men gitar tyme cikgu english thu maw mengajar.nah kena amik gitar.haha
-buat party kelas antara yg tergempak,kalo ada ari guru pun.(haha perasan!)
U guys still are the same person I knew 4-5 years ago :)
P/s:Raya nnti kita jumpa lagi k.Insya Allah.Jan lupa menjemput nnti :D
Monday, June 22, 2009
Another entry :)
em. nothing much happen to me for these past few of the reason why i do not know what to write in this blog.meeting new people is fun.(tiba2)well sort a~.
anyho,just wanna to share with you guys about one thing that some of you never realized about me.I'm a daydreamer,well generally,a girl who always hoping that her life would be as amazing as what she imagine how it supposed to be.
my life's a mess.....why can't I be like the girl in some movie where they used to have all these problem here and there,but usually end up happily ever after with the right guy.why can't I be like her.or i just have to wait and hoping that one day my life would be like that?.the time has not yet come,is it?I should wait right?.Wait for the right GUY for me because as far as I can know i haven't meet him yet.yes.never.I honestly forget what is the sweetest things that a guy had ever done to me because nothing.none or maybe I'm a little insecure about it.I don't know.haha
em. nothing much happen to me for these past few of the reason why i do not know what to write in this blog.meeting new people is fun.(tiba2)well sort a~.
anyho,just wanna to share with you guys about one thing that some of you never realized about me.I'm a daydreamer,well generally,a girl who always hoping that her life would be as amazing as what she imagine how it supposed to be.
my life's a mess.....why can't I be like the girl in some movie where they used to have all these problem here and there,but usually end up happily ever after with the right guy.why can't I be like her.or i just have to wait and hoping that one day my life would be like that?.the time has not yet come,is it?I should wait right?.Wait for the right GUY for me because as far as I can know i haven't meet him yet.yes.never.I honestly forget what is the sweetest things that a guy had ever done to me because nothing.none or maybe I'm a little insecure about it.I don't know.haha
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Syurga cintaku
"God determines your soul-mate and as HIS slave,
I can only pray for ALLAH to match me with my MR RIGHT"
"my heart and my soul are meant for deserving man"
"my heart and my soul are meant for deserving man"

"Cinta hanya untuk yang ikhlas mencintai,
Bukan untuk dipersendakan."
aku da lama nak tgk crita ne ever since aku nmpk iklan dia kat panggung.Em tapayala aku critakan sinopsisnya macam mana kan?tpi crita ne benar2 menginsafkan.dan la tgk kawan2.hehe.Paling suka part awal LAMAR heliza thu jadi isteri dia.Romantik gila.besnya kalo ada orang buat aku macm thu kan?.haha

Suka gila ngan Heliza lam filem ne.uish.cikgu thu.hehe.bukan nak kata terpengaruh.ok la sikeet la.haha.tpi aku betul2 teringin nak macm thu.dah lama kan aku ckp ngan korang kan?.teman2ku?.hehe.bukannya apa.tpi ne pun kan untuk kebaikan sendiri.aku pun bakal jadi cikgu.kena tampilkan contoh yang baik dari segi imej.aku tau ada sesetengah org kurang setuju bila aku sampaikan hasrat aku ne.tpi ye la xkan nak ikot org.
ikot la diri sendiri ye x?.apa pun suma ne datang dari sendiri.yang baik kita bawak dan terima,yg buruk kita tolak jauh2.
x guna gak kan pki tudung apa suma.tpi perangai tak senonoh and hati x?.hahaha.kalau mcm aku,mmg agak ganas jugak la kan.dahla ketawa bagai nak pecah dunia.bercakap lagi la.aish!.tpi aku baik.suka tolong org~.hahaha.insafla el.hahahaa
aku da lama nak tgk crita ne ever since aku nmpk iklan dia kat panggung.Em tapayala aku critakan sinopsisnya macam mana kan?tpi crita ne benar2 menginsafkan.dan la tgk kawan2.hehe.Paling suka part awal LAMAR heliza thu jadi isteri dia.Romantik gila.besnya kalo ada orang buat aku macm thu kan?.haha

Suka gila ngan Heliza lam filem ne.uish.cikgu thu.hehe.bukan nak kata terpengaruh.ok la sikeet la.haha.tpi aku betul2 teringin nak macm thu.dah lama kan aku ckp ngan korang kan?.teman2ku?.hehe.bukannya apa.tpi ne pun kan untuk kebaikan sendiri.aku pun bakal jadi cikgu.kena tampilkan contoh yang baik dari segi imej.aku tau ada sesetengah org kurang setuju bila aku sampaikan hasrat aku ne.tpi ye la xkan nak ikot org.
ikot la diri sendiri ye x?.apa pun suma ne datang dari sendiri.yang baik kita bawak dan terima,yg buruk kita tolak jauh2.
x guna gak kan pki tudung apa suma.tpi perangai tak senonoh and hati x?.hahaha.kalau mcm aku,mmg agak ganas jugak la kan.dahla ketawa bagai nak pecah dunia.bercakap lagi la.aish!.tpi aku baik.suka tolong org~.hahaha.insafla el.hahahaa
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